Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Bathroom Horror

No friends, I did not star in the classic film Psycho.  Or never had such a god-forsaken accident like the one Ben Stiller had at the beginning of "There's Something About Mary".  It was not THAT serious, really... I know some of my fur-friends and cousins go through this fairly regularly, but I had just one semi-bath in my whole life, and I swear that was more than enough for the rest of my life.

One steamy summer day, I was just minding my own business in our bathroom, doing just the typical cat thang.  You know... checking out the bidet, chilling in the cool sink... Suddenly enters daddy, he declared  "Oh, it's so hot looks like someone wants a cool bath!!!"  Before I could react, he grabbed me and turned on the faucet.  First I really didn't understand what was going on, then the water started seeping through my fur and I realized I was getting wet, I quickly decided I was NOT going to press the "like" button.

Well, the drama didn't last as long as it seemed to me at that moment, my pitiful wailing and desperate flying claws were enough to make daddy decide "ok, I guess you had enough" fairly quickly.  But all the same, I was by that time a whole lot wetter than I would have ever cared. 

Thankfully, it was my only experience that came close to "a full bath".  I am fully capable of keeping myself fluffy, shiny, silky, maintaining the white part perfectly white, and smelling wonderful.  I know mamma knows that very well so I trust her, and I follow her into the bathroom all the time, but NEVER when daddy is in there, there is no sense taking any risks, right?

I'm too Sexy for a Bath.


  1. You're too sexy.....punto!!! (this was Maya, hahaha!) ;)))
    Ti capisco benissimo, amico mio, neanch'io gradisco il bagnetto ma anch'io come hai detto già tu sono perfettamente in grado di mantenermi bella e irresistibile! hehe!
    Consigio di micio:tieni sempre le unghie ben appuntite!!! Un aPPRRRRRRaccio!! <3

    1. Ma sai, papà sempre dice a mamma di tagliare le mie unghie perchè crescono troppo veloce!!! uuurrrrgh!!! beh ma sto sempre micino vicino alla mamma per la sicurezza, meno male Maya che non hai un papà cattivo come il mio!!!!

  2. oh my! the horror!!!! I can understand why he doesn't go in the bathroom with his dad!

    Cleo got a slight bath in our kitchen sink after a visit to the vet when she passed urine since we tried so hard to get a sample, she went on the counter. Her lovely fur was all wet, so her back end got washed before she was free to roam the house. Fortunately, she tolerated it very well! Most cats don't need baths, as Oliver pointed out so well. :)

    1. Oh yes, some emergency operation may be necessary (at least for the minds of humans..) when there is an accident involved.. I was in a danger actually when I arrived at our house for the very first time... I also had some dried up wee on me and kinda stunk... but mamma didn't want to terrorize me too much so she used a box full of baby wipe to clean my bum, leg, tail and tummy. Just then I knew I could trust her ;-)

  3. Oh Oliver ... but you were so sweet when taking a bath .... peace ;D

  4. Oh Oliver ... but you were so sweet when taking a bath .... peace ;D

    1. Well, it was not very sweet at that moment, but fortunately it's by now a distant memory! Peace to you too auntie Lin!!!

  5. YES! you are too sexy! :D :D :D

  6. Ahahahaha! Finally we see some pics of Oliver taking a bath! Awesome! You are just too wait a as you said it!

    Aunty Siti

    1. Oh I am sure cousin Dan understands!! We can take care of the cleaning job all by ourselves and keep ourselves sexy, let Ranger have all the fun in the bath!!!

  7. Ahaha, Oliver! You are soooo cool in this sunglasses and really brave! You look as an actor for the spy thriller! :D I have to fight everytime with my cats when I want to wash them :) Time to time I was able to cheat them somehow and to wash some of them! :D
    Auntie Yana.

    1. Oh poor babies, you torture them with bathes??? I thought you were nice auntie Yana!!! But don't I look dandy in the sunglasses?, it's hard for me to keep them on because my ears are too high up to hook the glasses, but mamma is by now pretty good at seize the precious one second or less to immortalize my cool moment!!! (she even succeeded in taking a picture of me & santa hat, can you believe that?)

  8. Oh, no Oliver! I m not bad at all and I never torture my babies cats with bathes!!! It was a way to say that it is very difficult for me wash some of them when they really need it. And some of my cats were out walking and were dirty, so I need to wash them. But I used a tricky way to wash them, I opened the water in the bath and they (Biolka and Petya, maybe you remember) were really curious about the running water, so they went to see what is going on there in the bath, and I caught the moment to wash them in a fast way without they realized what was going on :) I love my purr babies and all cats generally speaking!!
    p.s. sunglasses really fits you, Oliver! you look handsome with or without them!

    1. auntie Yana, I am relieved!!! See, I am a good boy and stay inside the house, so you would never need to wash me!!! :-D But you are very clever, we cats have a very complicated relationship, it is really interesting to investigate a running water, even wet our paw a little or drink out of it, but never a "full immersion"!!! Will you promise me you will not do the trick on me when we meet one day???

    2. Ah, you can be sure dear Oliver, I promise you!!! It was an emergency case, especially for Petya as she has such a long fur, so when she is out she collects all possible and impossible things on her fur, but she is a nice a smart girl, so she knows that mammy loves her!! I am sure my Petya would like to meet you one day, as you are so handsome cat! ^.^ Especially in sunglasses :)
      Your auntie Yana.

  9. Pwweeeeeet!! Oliver....very cool, dude! You know what you have to do, if ever you mean daddy-kins cat-naps you and goes to the bath, you make sure to twist around and make your way up his chest and try to reach the top of his head, dont forget the claws ya! Yeah man! Up the back is equally good too, it gets them hoo-mans yelling! That's what I did to mums, she didnt like it, I tell you. She yelled till AhMa came to toilet to ask if everything was alright!!! HEHEHEHEHEHe....that got her! Called me the anti-christ since then....hehehehe!....catch you later dude! ~ CoCo

    1. Coco!!! Hi ya nice to meet you, and how cool I can chat with you!!! Wow, you are really a super chick!!! Not only a cute little girl, you got some serious kick in you too, I am impressed!!! Can you come and teach me the trick, I do try to outsmart my dad when he teases me, but he is too quick and too big!!! I see though size is not an issue, I just need some Ninja training, so what do you say, can you be my sensei???

  10. Oh I know... I guess I am too much of a wuss I am ashamed to admit... I guess I need to hang out with you and learn to be the real feline gangsta!!!! ;-)

  11. Ollie! My Man....dont need no ninja training....that is what our nails are for.....make sure you don't ever let lady boss cut them off....they are the best when they are sharp....good for hanging on to shoulders and neck parts. Any time you daddy comes near you, you just have to leap up onto the area called the chest! and stick too sharp claws in, ya.....when he yells you know you got it right....I;ll come and visit as soon as I figure out how the open the door of the kitty condo!

  12. Mom says that would be a bad idea, she wouldn't want mew to spoil. Mew are a suave guy
