Friday, 23 March 2012

Bed Making

Apart from being an IT expert, I also render certain maid service, with great enthusiasm as well.  I am very good at making beds.  Understandably, mamma feels very bad about putting me to work at the computer desk, she always tries to keep quiet and tries to do it all by herself, but I have the keenest sense to detect the activity even from the other side of our house, even if she tries her best to be discreet.  So I am always quickly on the scene to provide my excellent service.  Observe how efficiently and professionally I manage the sheets!

In between my service I also demonstrate some athletic skills, I try to show her the perfect execution and technique of the Evasive Side Kick, with which she has a great difficulty and quite hopeless at when she does her session of Les Mills Body Combat.

However, being a wise feline who knows not to exhaust himself with hard work, sometimes I draw a line and call it enough, another lesson I try to teach to my mamma and frazzled humans in general.

Very wise work ethic, don't you think?


  1. Wise cat indeed to not let your mommy get too tired from working too hard. Its good for her to work but resting is even better according to my cats heheh.

    hugs to you and your humans


    1. yes, good, sufficient rest is the absolute essential. For me, for her, unless when the nom time for me is approaching!!! ;-)
      Looking forward to seeing you in June auntie!!!

  2. getting knocked out before the work is completed & done! But I am not blaming's hard work for a pampered Oliver!

    Auntie Siti

    1. Oh yes kak Siti, I am sure Ranger and Dan would tell you the same thing, being a cat is a very hard work!!! Especially for Ranger, the intense nyot nyot session requires a lot of energy on top of everything else!!!

  3. I think our kitties have a lot to teach us in general... especially about relaxing and not stressing out...

    1. that's why my mamma and I agree on this point, the world should be run by cats, not the silly, narrowminded humans... it would become so much better a place!!!

  4. So love Oliver in his bed making scenes! He has a way of turning a chore into a fun activity, and looks so very precious and talented during the process! Amazing side kick!!!! Great timing with the photo :)
    Yes, if kitties ran the world - no war, no starving, just unconditional love and enough food, shelter for everyone!

    1. It's so funny how he is determined to help me every time I have to change the sheets. but certainly he does make the dull chore a fun activity (if never ending, lol!) I am sure your kids are just as helpful, aren't they? Pity the side kick photo ended up blurred, but at least I seized the moment in time... I think just his lower portion staying in the frame gives the feel of motion actually... ;-) (mamma Licia)

    2. Even slightly blurred, that is a great photo! Great timing and yes, there is a feel of motion ... the slight blur helps :)
      Only Cisco helps me make the bed, and sometimes it's quite dramatic. Hopefully will get to video some day - will need Dan to video, since Cisco and I work as a team :)

    3. I totally agree, very often it's quite a mission impossible to prompt Oliver & hold the camera/camcorder at the same time. I really hope you will get to it... we are so ready for some updated images of Cisco, Moonshadow & Cleo!

  5. the fourth pic! the leg pic! ahahaha :))))))) lol

    1. I guess his brilliant execution of that Bruce Lee kick got him too tired to go on... ;-) (mamma Licia)

  6. Oliver! <3 <3 <3

    You clever and diligent boy, never passing up an opportunity to help your mama and instruct her in the ways of task management. Yes, it is most important to pace yourself with these difficult jobs. And fortunately ... you're already on the bed, so taking an impromptu nap could not be easier!

    1. Yes auntie Shannon, us cats know how to work hard, play hard, and stop and smell the catnip!!! :-D I really wish humans (I mean most humans... I know you and my aunties are the clever ones!) would be half as wise as us cats... when do they learn???

  7. just like your South African Cousins, very good at I meant helping...

    1. Of course auntie Mara!!! Oh and check out the left picture of the second set. You can see clearly the shape of my "unique" tail!!!

  8. Ahah, what a whiskered tidy helper :) Mommy should be so proud of you Oliver! Really priceless photos, especially this one with side kick!!! I love it!
    Auntie Yana.

    1. Yes, I know mamma is very proud of me, and that's why she wanted to start this blog!!! :-D Hey, I should have a role in the next Kung Fu Panda movie, don't you think??

    2. I already imagined Oliver in the Kung Fu Panda!! :D Actually should be the kitty version: Kung Fu Gatto! ^-^

  9. La mia mamma mi chiude fuori dalla stanza per rifare il letto...ed io ho tanta voglia di aiutarla che mi metto a graffiare la porta dall' non capisce che sono bravissima a farlo?? Specialmente gli angoli, mi vengono un amore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! salto profondo e..pum! FATTO!!!!

    1. ooooh povera Mayettaaaa :-( Anche a mamma mia c'aveva provato la stessa cosa come la tua, ma finalmente ha capito che il mio aiuto è indispensabile!!! Speriamo che anche la tua mamma lo capirà un giorno presto!!!

  10. Hahahaa Oliver you are indeed a efficient helpful fella! You make a boring work so much fun :)) Thank you for the reminder Olie, you are so smart :) Actually, Choco likes to help out too but not all the time, she is becoming such a diva now demanding 'Queen' treatment from me and the boys :) I think you and Choco make excellent bed making partners LOL
    And I remember your awesome evasive side-kick! A-mazing!! :D

    ~ Auntie Liz ~

    1. Oh yea! I knew you remembered my brilliant ESK!!! Better than the master Dan Cohen!!! :-D Wow, Choco is into bed making, too? We would make an awesome tag team then!! That's gonna be so much fun!!! :-D
