Wednesday, 21 March 2012

My secret profession

Many humans seem to assume cats, unlike dogs, are useless pets.  Well, we just let them think that way, unlike dogs, we are discreet creatures and not into showing off.  However since you, my dear readers, are special, I will let you in on the real, professional side of myself. 

Like my daddy, I am an IT specialist.  I am my mum's assistant and control the scanner and make sure everything is in order.  I watch each paper with my eagle eyes, well.. feline eyes.  If a paper comes out crooked, I correct it immediately.  Now take a look at me hard at work... the intensity.. the precision... never mind my little slip in the middle, when you are in total concentration occasionally you forget about minding the gap, as the Londoners say ;-)  But my quick recovery is rather impressive anyway, isn't it?


  1. Yay Oliver! We always knew there was more to him than meets the eye! Such an incredible, thorough worker! He is light years beyond some humans I've seen in the office :)
    Great photos and video! So nice to see Oliver in action and bring a smiles to our day <3

  2. thank you auntie Connie!!! my mamma is proud of me, too I am such a bright worker and make the dull job interesting and exciting for her, just like your Moonshadow!! :-D

  3. Hi are you today? I saw the photos of you scratching the gym pad!!! Ooooh Oliver you made a big old mess!! haahaa..You were just showing everyone what you could do.. Hope you're day has gone purrfectly lil' man.. huggies to you ..your friend in USA ..Ann Speak soon ! xoxo

    1. Hello auntie Ann!! Oh yes, I am such a multi-talented multi tasker, aren't I :-D My day has been ok, I just can't wait until the clock springs forward, I am working hard at coaxing mamma to serve me my noms a little earlier each time!!! It is almost my late night snack time and mamma is still not budging on my demand!!! grrrr...

  4. OMG! you are so hard-working kitty! my cats like only the TV, lol! kisses

    1. Tell your kitties they should try it, it is really fun, I promise, especially swatting at the scanner!!! :-D

    2. :-D I will try! my poor scanner, lol

  5. Amore!!!! Spero non ti sfruttino, eh!!!??? ;))))

    Mapy e Maya <3

    1. ehehehe... la mia carriera è la mia passione!!!! :-D Ma non vi preoccupate, quanto dormo e mangio, mi sono messo benino!!! :-D E certamente mi devo presentare come un bello star soprattutto per voi due, la vita è sicuramente non tutto lavoro :-D

  6. Very enterprising of you, Oliver... I hope you are well paid for all your hard work!

    1. Theoretically, it is not correct to put the king of the household into a labour... however, lucky for her I happen to enjoy my occupation!!! and yes, I am handsomely compensated!! ;-)

  7. Ahahaha! I love it!! <3<3 What a HELPFUL and clever boy.

    PS - one of the things I also enjoy about all our friends' kitty videos is occasionally hearing tv/radio in a different language in the background. :-) Neat.

    1. yes I sort of thought of that too, the background voice from TV definitely adds an extra Italian touch... you might have noticed Cri, who is perpetually on the phone with his extra-loud voice, often provides that himself!!

  8. Ollie, i had no idea you were one of those IT guys! I'm impurressed! Looks AND brains!

    1. heheheh... my secret identity revealed!!! ;-) Aren't some of your kids the type too? It is quite common amongst us smarty kitties!!! :-D

    2. the lost interest when we got the laptop. Silver removed a few keys from the old laptop, by the way, she said we didnt need those

  9. See! Now what would your mommy do without your help in the office? She'd have crooked papers!

    1. Surely auntie Lacey, mamma knows and appreciate my hard work!!! Does Patches help you, too?

  10. OMG! I love this post! Awesome pics & video of Oliver...I see someone flexing his muscles to get his work done.

    Aunty Siti

    1. see, kak Siti, now you begin to realize, cats are really creatures of action and industry!!! It's not just zzzz'ing that we do!!! Impressed?? :-D

  11. woh!! That was so neat and cool! Oliver you are such an amazing worker, such dedication and concentration, I am in awe!! My kitties will not bother to help me at all, instead they will slide across, scratch and roll around on the papers.. tsk I need you Oliver to teach and train them! :-) Your momma is so lucky to have such a helpful attentive assistant! :))

    ~ Liz ~

  12. Oooo....Mr Oliver, you look so handsome and so so capable when you are hard at work. Mummy says you look semi penquin like, when you are controlling the professional....muah! Handsome....*wink wink...<3 Flower Gurl
