As some of you may know already, I am a real cream fiend. It is one of my precious few favourite food I am still allowed to have, so when I do get the occasion, I seize it will all my zeal. Here you can witness my extreme vigour. Enjoy with me :-)
Ciao my fans from around the world!!! It's me.. Oliver, your favourite chunk of hunk from the Eternal City... here I will keep you updated with my latest piccies, videos and my ponderings... hope you will enjoy! Yours truly, Oliver :-)
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Screaming for Whipped Cream
As some of you may know already, I am a real cream fiend. It is one of my precious few favourite food I am still allowed to have, so when I do get the occasion, I seize it will all my zeal. Here you can witness my extreme vigour. Enjoy with me :-)
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
FIVE for Oliver
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Cards and virtual gifts for me from around the world :-) |
Mamma used to make me a real cake, but since it had been forbidden to me by the mean veterinarian my mamma seems to have a blind trust in, she invented a very special cake-pudding which is good for me but still tasty. She has a great enthusiasm in everything she does in the kitchen, and it shows in this cake too, not bad at all for a "good for you healthy" stuff!
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my special B-day treat made of ricotta, cream and eggs |
It was a lovely day, especially thanks to all the love and greetings all you friends have sent to me from around the world!!! My heartfelt thank-mew to each one of you, you were all with us in our hearts as we celebrated!!
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Cat in a Box
Oh yes... I may be classified as no ordinary cat. (or weirdo as my dad sometimes calls me...) I prefer bread and sweets to steak, I make a noise like a bowling ball dropping when I jump off from a table or a chair, I snore while I sleep, and it took me a long time to come to appreciate some catnip.... buy oh, I do a lot of typical cat thangs at the same time too... like loving cardboard boxes :-D
I like it big...
I like it tight...
Even if it's TOO tight....
Or even totally flattened...
Now and then I encounter a box which I get particularly attached to. Then I shower my love with a special treatment.
Love can be destructive... but I have no regrets!!! There will always be a new box to be loved!!!
Monday, 16 April 2012
Cat with Many Faces
Let's have a little fun this time... I tried a few impersonations. What do you think of my new talent?
Marilyn Monroe
Gene Kelly
Johnny Weir
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Bend It Like Oliver
So take a good look at my cool tail, perhaps it will bring YOU a good luck, too!!! :-D
Monday, 9 April 2012
My (belated) Easter Greeting!
It's that time of the year again, colourful eggs, all sorts of special sweets that cruelly tempt me, flowers, and... bunnies. As if the santa hat for Christmas was not bad enough, mamma dared to try to make funny bunny ears with my own fine feline ears. Ok, enough is enough, even a supermodel has to draw a line at certain point, so I hid under the bed and sulked, so she had to make do with the above picture... heheh, Oliver 1, mamma 0!!
They brought in this big shiny object, I liked the noise the wrapper made and the ribbon, but the Humpty Dumpty thing was HUGE and rather scary looking, I decided to stay away.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Hungry Boy
Being a growing boy, I am always hungry. In reality, I am almost 5 and am told I should be a fully grown adult by now, but hey, I am an always young at heart type of guy, okay?
When she takes a lot of time preparing my food, I stay behind her and use a particular body signal to communicate my desperation. I get on my hind legs and rub against the corner of the kitchen wall by the stove, where she is standing cooking my food. She instead laughs every time. What's so funny about that, doesn't this raise an alarm code red that someone is dying of starvation???
However, when she cooks the food for me, instead of opening a tin which is quicker for sure, it is usually extra good and bigger portion, so I may say that it is worth the wait! ;-)
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
My joyous visit with the Vet. (Not)
I had the pleasure of another trip to our lovely vet Saturday, even if there was nothing wrong with me. Obviously we are going for a holiday again in a few months, this time a little further away to the next country, I think mamma said Austria. So I need to get yet another shot, rabies, and a microchip. Yikes, two jabs!! Worse yet, I had to be kept waiting for 20 minutes because there was a dog in front of us already visiting with the doc. Just see how tormented I was while mamma made merry filming poor, trembling moi.
In any case, I am officially a CyberCat. Kinda cool, me thinks.... :-D
Sunday, 1 April 2012
My very special greeting...
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Bathroom Horror
No friends, I did not star in the classic film Psycho. Or never had such a god-forsaken accident like the one Ben Stiller had at the beginning of "There's Something About Mary". It was not THAT serious, really... I know some of my fur-friends and cousins go through this fairly regularly, but I had just one semi-bath in my whole life, and I swear that was more than enough for the rest of my life.
One steamy summer day, I was just minding my own business in our bathroom, doing just the typical cat thang. You know... checking out the bidet, chilling in the cool sink... Suddenly enters daddy, he declared "Oh, it's so hot looks like someone wants a cool bath!!!" Before I could react, he grabbed me and turned on the faucet. First I really didn't understand what was going on, then the water started seeping through my fur and I realized I was getting wet, I quickly decided I was NOT going to press the "like" button.
Well, the drama didn't last as long as it seemed to me at that moment, my pitiful wailing and desperate flying claws were enough to make daddy decide "ok, I guess you had enough" fairly quickly. But all the same, I was by that time a whole lot wetter than I would have ever cared.
Thankfully, it was my only experience that came close to "a full bath". I am fully capable of keeping myself fluffy, shiny, silky, maintaining the white part perfectly white, and smelling wonderful. I know mamma knows that very well so I trust her, and I follow her into the bathroom all the time, but NEVER when daddy is in there, there is no sense taking any risks, right?
I'm too Sexy for a Bath. |
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Sporty Oliver
Like my professional career, I have another side which I tend to keep to myself. Behind my laid back, roly poly image, I can also be a totally over the top, extreme athlete, when I choose to. Hey, after all, I am a cat. A CAT. I am not totally a wimpy bunny rabbit like my dad says. I quietly train myself and when the moment calls for it, I am capable of demonstrating an astounding athletism, as you may have witnessed on my last post, the image of my perfect evasive side kick. I will let you take a little glimpse of how nimbly I can leap in the air here... touch of parkour, eh!?
P.S. you may be able to observe the fruit of my hardcore training on the floor... mamma was too excited about filming my acrobatic moves she forgot to sweep the floor... pardon the disorder!
Friday, 23 March 2012
Bed Making
However, being a wise feline who knows not to exhaust himself with hard work, sometimes I draw a line and call it enough, another lesson I try to teach to my mamma and frazzled humans in general.
Very wise work ethic, don't you think?
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
My secret profession
Like my daddy, I am an IT specialist. I am my mum's assistant and control the scanner and make sure everything is in order. I watch each paper with my eagle eyes, well.. feline eyes. If a paper comes out crooked, I correct it immediately. Now take a look at me hard at work... the intensity.. the precision... never mind my little slip in the middle, when you are in total concentration occasionally you forget about minding the gap, as the Londoners say ;-) But my quick recovery is rather impressive anyway, isn't it?
Monday, 19 March 2012
Let Sleeping Cats Lie
Of course, like any handsome cats, I need a hefty dose of my beauty sleep. Some studies say cats spend about 16 hours a day sleeping, but to the eyes of many humans it seems even worse than that, some even believe we only wake up to stuff our faces. But in reality, as us being nocturnal creatures, we do sneak in a good amount of action time while you humans are snoozing away at night!
So worry not... watching a peacefully sleeping cat also give you a wonderful therapeutic effect as well. And here it is... one of my timeless classics, the sleeping beauty video.. enjoy and soothe your poor, agitated human soul! :-)
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Me and Birdwatching
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whoa!!! look at them go!! ... damn show-offs... |
I have been trying to learn their language, and I think I became pretty good at it. Do you think they will respond to me if I talk to them directly? Will they understand? Will they let me join in their pigeon games and seagull games? (well... seagulls are quite big and mean looking, I am a little scared of them... but they fly around in front of me soooo magnificently!!!) I will let you see a little clip where I am practicing the language... tell me what you think!!!
Friday, 16 March 2012
First thing first...
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The true Roman Emperor |
Just in case you are not sure of my identity, my name is Oliver. I am a cat, which naturally means I am the sovereign king of my world. I am a big boy, I peaked at 8,7kg, but then the horrible vet from hell ordered mum to put me on a diet and now I am at a svelte 7,8kg. I still dream of sweet croissants which mum used to share with me every morning!! Some people make fun of me because I have a double folded tail which sticks out on the right, but I read that a crooked tail is considered as a good luck charm in Japan, as it is supposed to "hook a good luck" so hey, what do they know!!!
little moi (upper right) with my siblings, MiĆ¹, Arturo & Pulce |
I was born on the first of May 2007, so I am almost 5. I was born in the south-west of Lazio, about one hour away from Rome. I spent the first 4+ months of my life with my 3 siblings, and my first mamma Devi. She took a very good care of me, I still remember and think of her very fondly. Unfortunately there were many other cats in her household who were not very nice to us, so she decided to find a good home for me and my brother and sisters. Mamma Licia found her notice in several sites, and came to bring me to her home on a sunny evening of September 2007, and the rest is the story.
I weighed 3,5kg on my arrival, I already promised to be a very big boy, which I became. My mum introduced me on a few cat forums, then on facebook, and I met many, many wonderful people from around the world. They are physically far away from me, but everyday I feel the love from them, which makes me such a happy puddy. So mamma and I decided to create this blog, as a hommage to all my global fans. We love you all!!!
chilax with me and enjoy my blog!!! |
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